How To Maintain Productivity At Home

How To Maintain Productivity At Home

It's a stressful time for many people and it's important to stay mindful of mental health.

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Stay productive by taking care of your mental health.

Try incorporating some of the following suggestions into your daily work from home routine.

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Follow a schedule like you would in the office.

When you work from home, it can be harder to “unplug” from work at the end of the day. Follow a schedule for when you will start and end your work day so you have the opportunity to relax and recharge while you are “out of the office”.

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Stay in touch with your colleagues.

If you’re used to chatting with your colleagues throughout the day, it can be difficult to adjust to a quieter environment. Try scheduling video calls with a coworker or your team to catch up, ask questions and stay in touch.

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Set boundaries with family and roommates.

Working from home might be a new situation. Communicate your needs and expectations while you are working from home with the people you live with. If you don’t have a private space, set boundaries. Put up a sign when you are on a call or make a rule that if your headphones are in, it means you can’t talk.

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Accept that there might be a transition period.

With new experiences come new challenges. While the obstacles you face in the office may not exist at home, new ones may present themselves. Be patient with yourself and accept that you may need some time to adjust to a new normal.

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While the way we do our jobs has changed quickly, we stand by our goal to help you create a physical environment for you to be exceptional.

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